Cycles: You Can’t Live With Them and You Can’t Live Without Them.

(( Upon publishing the post I noticed that the pictures were distorted. Nothing I tried would fix them. SORRY.))

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Joseph Dumond, a.k.a. Grandpa Joe, for taking an interest in my cycle research. The one thing that I have mentioned to Mr. Dumond multiple times is, “I hope I am wrong.” I want to make this crystal clear, I am not predicting anything will happen at anytime. All I provide are the times in which people, mostly men by a ratio of 4:1, have the highest propensity of making a mistake. That’s it! Continue reading

I Am Very Sorry!!!

Shalom, my electronic family. I have been working on an article about Shavuoth, which is only 2 weeks away, but at this very moment I have no spare time. Remember, I am retired, more than once. I never anticipated that I would have this problem during retirement. Right now our garlic, shallots, onions and spring peas are coming in. Oops, forgot the blackberries and poke salad. Continue reading

Cycle Update and What May Lie Ahead.

Please let me preface this article by asking you not to compare my cycle work with that of Mr. Joseph Dumond or Mr. Charles Reed. These two gentlemen have produced charts of cycles far superior to my pitiful work. Continue reading

It is All about Keeping a Promise, to You.

It has been since May of 2018 that I have written a post of this nature. It is less about Scripture and more about being vigilant. Yes, things look bad in the world. Our relationships with other nations, i.e. Russia, China, Iran, Iraq plus the relationships of other countries with their neighbors such as India/Pakistan, Israel/Gaza/Syria/Lebanon/… It has the appearance that we could go to war at any minute, now that an oil processing plant has been attacked in Saudi Arabia. Continue reading

The Midst of the Week!! How will it Impact 2018?


Many people have asked me why I stopped writing “prepping” articles and started writing “religious” articles. The truth is I never thought of myself as a prepper but rather someone who lived an independent lifestyle. And I never thought of my newer articles as “religious” but rather scriptural studies. If I seem to be “short” in some of my responses to questions, I apologize. Continue reading

Is it Time to Flee Babylon?

Since the Supremes voted the way I thought they would, for the Obamanation oops, abomination of homosexual marriage, I have been asked about leaving the United States. You can leave the US but you can’t get the US out of you. What do I mean? Simple. Continue reading