Shabbat Shalom!!!

I will start out with, my electronic dog ate my electronic homework. I worked rather intensively yesterday afternoon and into the early evening to prepare an article about the cycle that is approaching very quickly this Fall. Somehow, my electronic German Shepherd ate my article just as I saved it and I will now have to try and reconstruct it. It was such a good article and you would have really loved it. And now, as I emerge from the ashes of despair, please go back and read the following two articles: and

As I have repeatedly stated in interviews with Brothers Joseph Dumond and Mark Webb, I am unable to give detailed forecasts with the precision that I once could because of the diminished state of our protective electro-magnetic field that is protecting our planet from harmful solar winds, gamma, UV-1, UV-2, UV-3 and cosmic radiation. The diminished nature of the field amplifies the effects of these elements upon all life on Earth during what I call the Super Cycle.

As you can see from the caption of the above image the coming solar eclipse will take place on October 14, 2023. The eclipse, in and of itself, is not a particularly powerful eclipse since it is about 90%+. Also, the lunar eclipse is not an extremely noteworthy eclipse since it is only a penumbral eclipse, but more on that later.

If you follow the orange line across the map of the western hemisphere you will see that the states of Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, as well as Mexico, Central America and the northern portion of South America will be impacted by this eclipse. Think of this cycle as being the first punch of a One – Two punch combination. The second punch comes in the Spring of 2024.

The solar eclipse in on the 14th of October and the Lunar eclipse is October 28th and as stated previously, it is not a full lunar eclipse but is of sufficient magnitude and duration that it deserves our attention. It will greatly impact northeastern North America and will begin by entering the penumbra at 2:00P.M. (EDT) and the umbra at 4:54P.M. (EDT) and finally the penumbra at 6:28P.M. (EDT). What this mumbo jumbo means it will be in a stage of light to dark, then dark and return to light and dark before finishing. Please notice this eclipse persists for over 4 hours.

Significant Dates:

Stage One: September 9th (for sure) but possibly as early as September 2 through September 23rd.

Stage Two: September 23rd through October 7th.

Stage Three: The Peak – October 7th through November 11th with the greatest intensity being October 21st. (CAUTION)

Stage Four: November 11th through November 25th:

Stage Five: November 25th through December 2nd for sure but probably December 9th.

Now, review the above dates September 2, 9, 23, October 7, 21, November 11, 25 and December 2, 9. All of these dates are Sabbaths. Also, according to my keeping of the Fall Feast dates most fall within the fall Feasts (Leviticus 23). This is very relevant because Brother Joe Dumond plans to be in Israel and he will be on the Mount of Olives to observe what takes place on September 22nd to see if the Abomination of Desolation takes place on that day. Just a coincidence? Maybe not.

What is the Level of Intensity?

Stage One: 25%

Stage Two: 37%

Stage Three: 53%

Stage Four: 43%

Stage Five: 32%

Doesn’t sound so ominous does it? Now add 57.5% ( I will round up to 58%)

Stage One: 83%

Stage Two: 95%

Stage Three (PEAK): 111%

Stage Four: 101%

Stage Five: 90%

Intensity of a cycle is similar to that of the Richter Scale for earthquakes, the maximum intensity is open ended. Let me say it this way, at the peak of this cycle you will be more than two times more likely to feel the adverse effects of the cycle. That said, some people may be more than 4X more likely to feel the effects of this cycle.

Now, notice, with the map and the information that I have already given you, this Super Cycle is primarily a Western Hemisphere event. Will it be limited to the Western Hemisphere? I doubt it but, it looks as though it will begin in the Western Hemisphere.

What will it be?

It is my opinion that it is 3 times more likely to be a financial event than a military one, in other words 75/25. I cannot rule out war but if I were a betting person, which I am not, I would be watching the financial markets and leading indicators. Will it be a stock market crash, a bond collapse, a banking crisis? Yes, any or all of these are possible and maybe more that I have not thought about.

What is the Death Cross?

If you have gone back and reread the two articles about the Alef Tav you must now realize that this solar eclipse is the descending leg of the Alef and the April 08, 2024 eclipse will be the ascending leg of the Alef:

Notice anything? Anything at all? Maybe this will help:

There is a conjunction or, Death Cross, directly over the city of San Antonio, Texas. I won’t be there that day. What could possibly happen in San Antonio Texas that it could be so bad? Any Texas city along the I-35 Corridor is built upon the Balcones Fault Line, including Dallas and also the capitol of Austin. In fact, you can visit a place called Inner Space near Georgetown Texas and descend into a cave and see the junction of the fault lines. It is very interesting. If you drive on Interstate 20 between Duncanville and Grand Prairie Texas you experience the highway descending almost 200′ and this is called the Midlothian Fault Line. The same thing happens if you take Highway 287 west out of Midlothian.

Also, if you watch the following video at @1hr. 20min point I talk about the possible invasion plan of China into America at some point and time in the future. San Antonio Texas is a point where I believe a single prong of the invasion would take place. I go into more detail in that video. Will it happen? Maybe never. Maybe.

What should you do? Pray and pray for Brother Joe’s safety while in Israel. Will I be in my bunker? Nope, don’t have one. No, I will enjoy the feast days with our spiritual family, some coming from as far away as Australia and Canada. I encourage all of you to enjoy the Fall Feasts as well, because they tell the story of YHVH’s remnant being united with their Bridegroom and preparing for a New Beginning. Now that is exciting.

Dear Friends, do not let anything that I write on this blog scare you. I do not mean to scare but rather prepare. Our Hope should be in the Word of Elohim, Yeshu’a HaMashiach. We can take comfort in the fact that YHVH will never leave us alone and will go through any travail with us, if we keep His Commands.

Proverbs 28:9 He who turns away his ear from hearing the Torah, even his prayer is an abomination. (ISR Scriptures)

1 John 2:3 The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. (ISR Scriptures)

Rev. 14:12 Here is the endurance of the set apart ones, here are those guarding the commands of Elohim and the belief of Yeshua.(ISR Scriptures)

Rev. 22:14 Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates of the city. (ISR Scriptures)

Ahavah vberakhot,


7 thoughts on “Shabbat Shalom!!!

  1. I’m just looking right above this comment box, and it reads “This entry was posted in 2024.” Have you made a little future trip to be able to post that date?

  2. Shalom,

    Thank you brother for helping us prepare and keeping us up to date on possible events to take place! Much love to you and yours!

  3. Shalom Brother,
    Another thank you for your work. Especially thankful for your admonition not to fear, but to continue to Trust YeHoVaH and in these times to pull closer to Him as we thank Him for Yeshua and the blessings He gives us.

  4. Shabbat Shalom to you, my brother. Thank you for this message, Time is near. Love ya, Stay Safe, Ranger Rick ________________________________

  5. CC, thank you for this latest post. I agree with you that the next event (this fall) will be financial. It fits with the end of the student loan repayment pause, among other things, in the U.S. I don’t see another series of health-related lockdowns, despite what some online are posting. The next event has to come about as much of a surprise (for those not looking) as the pandemic did in 2020. The elites’ goal is depopulation, and depopulation will most easily happen when people are overwhelmed by their own fears. Stay local and stay prepared (in both faith and substance) in the days ahead. Please continue to post as you have time and/or are led.

  6. I have been anticipating a update on and decided to come I. Your website and look for an update! Thank you for the hrs work you put into the Kingdom! Hope you have had a blessed Fall Feast! Shalom

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